  • 1
    Not really. The JS ecosystem has slowed down significantly and many things have stabilized which doesnt mean that there are no new interesting things to try out.
    I treat it like in investing. Learning a new hot technology could pay off big time but it could be stone cold a month from now. I invest my time in learning proven and stable technologies that pay off. Still you have to learn new things otherwise software is not the right place to be.
  • 4
    It's the hype train slowing down for JS, every language has it. I still write PHP and that boat sailed years ago.

    I agree with some of the points, invest long term and not on tomorrow's roller coaster toolset otherwise your career will always be chasing the next big thing, only there's no such thing.

    React/Angular replaced JQuery, something will replace these before long and after that the cycle will continue.
  • 1
    @Crismon slow down? No man. It has never been slow. Are you into typescript, graphql and prisma yet? And frontend do you use Vue?
  • 0
    @molaram it has been rated top 5 language of all time in stackoverflow, love or hate js/ts!!
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