
Any devs from CIA's Frankfurt department here? I can't remember if I shut my TV off before I left home, can you check?

  • 6
    Hahaha... Nice.
  • 6
    Top kek
  • 28
    Just now turned it off. BTW you left your work phone in home.
  • 15
    Turned it on again to record 2 broke girls for you.
  • 23
    Stop messing around with his tv, we are a intelligence agency, goddammit. Turned it off. But you should really update your Windows laptop.
  • 41
    First thought KTHXBYE was your TV's serial number, then realized it spelt 'k thx bye', then realized it's a closing symbol of LOLCODE.
    Wtf man, please don't waste my time like that.... 😂
  • 5
    @thecritic same here, 😀😀😀
  • 22
    I got home now and found my TV in the "fake off" mode, as it should be, so everything seems fine now. I just wanted to give you an update in case you were worried.
    I've already personally thanked the CIA devs through the microphone in the TV.
  • 1
    @thecritic I actually didn't even know till I read your comment.
  • 5
    @hbbq Haha, you have a funny voice, we are greatly amused!
  • 4
    @hbbq i hope that two broke girls was completely recorded. If not, @vortexman100 is to blame.
  • 6
    @dsteiner Come on, man. I am just trying to do my job!
  • 11
    Ok, I wasn't going to mention this as you were so helpful with putting my TV into "fake off" mode, but there seems to have been some hickup with that recording. Somehow you got my TV to record the live stream from the camera on another TV. So now I got to watch some other family sitting in their sofa (but they are in fact watching Two broke girls).
    But, nevermind, I'll just download it from The Pirate Bay instead.
  • 15
    Regarding that Pirate Bay thing in my last comment. Please ignore that, it was my cat walking on the keyboard and just so happened to type that exact sentence.
    #CloseOne #Phew
  • 10
    @hbbq Well, of course the CIA has nothing to do with that faulty recording, but were pretty sure it was a russian attack. Also, our webcam footage doesnt support the cat story.
  • 7
    @dsteiner Exactly this is the reason why we dont play with someones TVs. In the end, we have to tell its russias fault. Seriously...
  • 10
    @dsteiner Whoops, ignore last comment, it was supposed to be a private memo.
  • 4
    Since this is a 23 Day old post. I'll just fucking LAUGH MY ASS OF AT THESE COMMENTS HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
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