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I suffer with anxiety.
I took pills (pristiq), but side effects almost ended with my marriage.
And now I'm having more problems. Even a message from my boss trigger me and I can't think properly.
I have a good job and small mini projects and I enjoy playing games

How do you deal with anxiety?

  • 4
    I try and keep in mind that I experience emotions, particularly negative ones, a hell of a lot more intensely than they really are.

    I've come to the conclusion that mental health issues are for life, I try and come to terms with them and deal with them on their own terms rather than looking for a magical fix (ie, pills) that will make my problems go away.
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    I usually let it build up until the right part of my upper body just freezes because of pain like right now 😵
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    I learned over the decades to not sweat the small stuff. It is not worth it.
    Also, you have the power to improve your situation. If it is a job or boss you can make a change. Good luck!
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    I coped with my anxiety by surrounding myself with people that make me happy and constantly doing something. For me it was spare time when I did nothing that affected me in a bad way - memory flashbacks, paranoia about people I can trust (dunno if correct), fear of never feeling calm, although I have no problems atm (in context; still having issues).
    I guess it's better to always be working on something so that you have no time to be worried about stuff. You'll be doing good.
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    Try to be more present. Often thoughts of the future or what ifs are a major cause. There'll be a thought process somewhere behind it. Sometimes it still gets me but take a deep breath and come back to the present moment.
    I hope you make some solid progress because it sucks. Try not to identify yourself as being anxious. Just acknowledge the "feeling" without owning it and thinking that it's "you"..
  • 0
    +1 for 'being here now.'
    Though not a replacement for medication/therapy, a little deliberate mindfulness goes a long way. Try to get grounded before the whirlwind is upon you.
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