Fuck it, fucking fuck it.

Consulting company, been here for 2 years, had some decent projects (surprise, only those that me and my coworker started from scratch), but OMG the fuck ton amount of bizarre code I've seen is just mindblowing.

Everytime I start on a project, spend days improductive because the stack won't fucking work.

We use some frameworks, but the creators of the projects said fuck it, why would we follow the framework guidelines if I can create a supersmart way that nobody fucking understands way of doing things. I mean, It will look smarter and so nobody else can touch this shitty code.

I hate that the most praised developer is the guy that created most of this shit, and his nº 1 skill is moving Jira tickets to the correct state, tracking time (PM's love this, I hate it) and blocking my fucking merge requests because I left an extra blank line, dangling comma or whatever the fuck else, he's like a human linter.

Dude, the code is a piece of shit, my dangling comma is not going to be the problem! And if you really care that much, setup a linter or something.

Fuck this, I'm quitting this week.

  • 1
    I feel your pain. Just make sure if you're actually going to follow through with quitting, you have a comfortable financial cushion to fall on or another job lined up. You deserve to be freed from that shitstorm. Just don't jump from one frying pan into another. Best of luck!
  • 0
    I really fancy consultancy.
    The thought of not being stuck with a companies legacy shit forever seems appealing. Do the work and move on.

    But you’re putting me off a little bit, cos if it’s no better than regular I may as well not have to do the travelling to clients.
  • 0
    @dumbdev I like your brutal irony of putting OCD in the wrong order
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