If anyone has a moment.

curious if i'm fucking something up.


self.linear_relu_stack = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(11, 13),
# nn.Linear(20, 20),
# nn.ReLU(),


def __init__(self, targetx, targety, velocityx, velocityy, reloadtime, theta, phi, exitvelocity, maxtrackx, maxtracky,splashradius) -> None:

# map to 1 and 2
self.Target: XY = XY(targetx, targety)
# map to 3 and 4
self.TargetVel: XY = XY(velocityx, velocityy)
# TODO: this may never be necessary as targeting and firing is the primary objective
# map to 5, probably not yet needed may never be.
self.ReloadTime:float = reloadtime
# map to 6 and 7
self.TurretOrientation: Orientation = Orientation(theta, phi)
# map tp 8
self.MuzzleVelocity:float = exitvelocity
# map to 9 and 10, see i don't remember the outcome of this
# but i feel it should work. after countless bits of training data added.
# i can see how this would fuck up if exact values were off or there was a precision error
# maybe firing should be controlled by something else ?
self.MaxTrackSpeed: Orientation = Orientation(maxtrackx, maxtracky)

# these are for sigmoid output, any positive value of x will produce between 0.5 and 1.0 as return value
# from the sigmoid function.
self.OutMin = 0.5
self.OutMax = 1.0

# this is the number of meters radius that damage still occurs when a projectile lands.
# to be used for calculating where a hit will occur.
self.SplashRadius:float = splashradius

def __init__(self, firenow, clockwise,cclockwise,up,down,oor, hspeed, vspeed) -> None:
self.FireNow = float(firenow)
self.RotateClockWise = float(clockwise)
self.RotateCClockWise = float(cclockwise)
self.MoveUp = float(up)
self.Down = float(down)
self.OutOfRange = float(oor)
self.vspeed = float(vspeed)
self.hspeed = float(hspeed)

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