I did something really stupid and I need some help.

I was trying to use rvict1 to catch packets from my iPhone. I was high when I was doing it and my Mac asked for some type of permission. I pressed OK by accident instead of using the option to modify my system preferences to continue the process. Now I can’t get that systems preference window to show again. Anybody got any tips?

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    What's up with the window - it doesn't show at all (e.g. in Mission Control) or it's just not visible on the screen?
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    @kamen the window doesn’t show up at all. I keep entering the command that made the preferences window show up in the first place but the window doesn’t show up. I don’t know much about the terminal but maybe there’s a cache that saved my decision not to open the system preferences?
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    What's that command?
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    The command was `rvictl -s {my device's uuid}`. I found this thread (https://developer.apple.com/forums/...) that helped but not completely
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    I was able to change the setting to "reduced security" but I got stuck on the "system--->security&preferences" part. I rebooted my mac and went into system prefernces and only saw security&privacy which had no "allow" button.

    Do u think I'm looking in the wrong place?
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    Wait I just had to run the command again which made the original preferences window pop up again. Thank u for the help tho!
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    Glad you sorted it out. I doubt I helped - I'm not very familiar with the Apple ecosystem, that's just my thought process and how I'd poke around to debug it. I would've suggested going through your terminal history - it could've helped too. Sometimes stuff is only accessible as super user, so it might not work if you're not elevated even if you do the same thing as before.
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    Just throw it in a Mac Pro 2014
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    @electrineer Just throw in a Big Mac, you are not yourself when you are hungry.
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