
The most perfect reply to Linux being not perfect....

  • 8
    I feel famous
  • 5
    Of course Linux isn't perfect. I'm happy it isn't because if it was, why would you still play around with it? 😀
  • 6
    @linuxxx But telling "Windows sucks because fuck you" is also stupid
  • 4
    @athlon True, and being told the other way around is as well. That's true regardless what system you use/the person telling you uses.
  • 5
    Light theme ☹☹
  • 1
    @linuxxx I'm not saying Windows is perfect - it isn't.
    But personally I had more problem with this proclaimed "Beta" through one month, than with "Alpha" through year.
  • 1
    @athlon I was more referring to your previous comment which seemed to be something different than the post but anyways, i am the other way around, haven't used windows in ages because it kept fucking up and now I'm stuck to Linux forever probs 😜
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    The best thing Windows could do right now is make it work with a Linux kernel and benefit from its shell (pretty much copy what apple did)..... Stop trying to compete and benefit from awesomeness!
  • 2
    How about we just say - none of them are perfect, but everyone prefer some OS?
  • 5
    @dirtycasual Hey, I'm cool with that, but don't get me wrong. I am Linux and Windows user, and I know both pretty well. I'm just saying those wars between Windows and Linux users are pointless. It's like saying that Rock is better than House.
  • 0
    @athlon I also use both and would love a good combination of both. Imagine booting Linux with a Windows desktop with direct x support and .Net (not that I want .net)...
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    @athlon Yea. Mostly using Linux Ubuntu and studying it at power user level for a while, yet I have quite a few programs that has to be run on Windows.
  • 2
    @jonjo Technology of Windows and freedom of Linux would be on point 😍
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    @Jop- But I want NATIVE support.
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    @athlon yes is why I say Windows should learn to benefit from the better tools and stop trying to compete with them....
    If Windows started their own branch of Linux kernel and refactored Windows using a proper shell it could benefit from so much... What we will end up with instead is quite the opposite and years of windows trying to play catch up.
  • 0
    My eyes, they burn ;-;
  • 0
    The most perfect reply to Linux being not perfect.........
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