I just quit my job!

Best monday ever

  • 3
    Congrats! Now go find a better one!
  • 2
    I was going to do that today as well but decided against it, for reasons. Kinda envy you, of course.

    Just gotta stick with whatever you decide, no matter what it is.
  • 3
    Yes money Will be an issue. But my living expenses are low so I'll be able to support myself.

    I'll start studying and upgrading my Lost skills
  • 6
    careful, it's addictive 😂
  • 1
    We're on the same boat. My skills stagnated. I am currently upskilling. :) Congratulations to your new found freedom!
  • 3

    I’m ridiculously envious
  • 0
    Congrats, now build your own funny green bills machine
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