So I was building opencv some time back.
Nice enough package, like most python linked packages I'm finding though I know you can use it via c and its meant to be but why would you want to ? .. it contains a whole bunch of half finished crap that is actually useful in part including the capacity to tear apart video files and manipulate frames one at a time and then rewrite them back to a file. about the only lib that's easy to use that I saw that does that. hell I can even compose my own video frames. also the only other lib I saw that does that thus far.


I post a bug, because of FUCKING CMAKE NOT WORKING. not conforming with the well thought out build environment that most GNU style c packages use.

you know like when you need an upstream source package to build the code, or a downgraded package to build the code and don't want to fuck up your host environment so you have to specify a bunch of lib paths and the like so that ld and gcc work correctly etc etc etc from your custom build location and so you can later use these same values to find the compiled lib and build software against it.

fucker closes my ticket saying i hijacked the c environment................


its because cmake sucks.

they're using and i don't know why a module specifically written to find libtiff.

specifically written but doesn't find the only source on my system that provides tiff which my env variables point directly to !!!!

lazy fucking cocksuckers !

I want to code a solution this issue.
something that translates ac files and am files and cmakelists into something intelligent and easy to follow that doesn't sacrifice the flexibility of make and gnu shit and unfucks cmake based projects !

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    p.s. have i mentioned how much i hate queers that just like to make people feel like crap for no reason ?

    or that these projects have just been sabotaged seemingly by people who don't want them to progress ?

    we could probably pick and choose the best code out of many of the open source projects and recombine them you know with a few edits.

    that would keep developers and techs busy for years !
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    If your bug report was as measured and to-the-point as most of your contributions here, I can't imagine for the life of me why it wasn't picked up forthwith. Scandalous.
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    @MM83 oh fuck off you retard.
    if there is one thing I'm good at its troubleshooting.

    they found something I had already indicated was how I was configuring the build environment in a log I attached and said the 'build was hijacked'... right.
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    @MM83 don't you have better things to do then insult me twice the same way ?
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    @AvatarOfKaine I rest my case, and this is your theme tune:

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    @MM83 I couldn’t stand to listen to more than a couple seconds of that lol
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