Does anybody know how to create a JSON list of all files in a folder with path+filename, md5 hash, file name and size? My client wished that I rework an open source launcher which is reading an HTML file in JSON format

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    I think this is the kind of request that people rant about..

    To help though, write a script to process the folder path and spit out some json that matches the required format.
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    @fattymiller I am sorry for requesting but I forgot to say that I don't have access to the folder... :/ I am sorry
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    You won't be able to complete this task without either folder access, or a local copy of the folder with all files.

    I'd suggest going back to the client and request access. You won't be able to get MD5 without actual file contents.
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    @fattymiller I know that.. :/ so RANT why does clients think programers are magicians 😂😂
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