and this... is... HELL

  • 3
    I have heard this is a prison planet for the consciousness. We are trapped by the malevolent Anu. As in the Anu who slew his brother from the Sumerian history. Supposedly many people are raising their conscious awareness and seeking help from an outside consciousness. The aware people are supposedly going to challenge Anu.

    Or some weird story like that. This was related to the research done on the Gateway Experience. This is a way to raise your consciousness without using psychedelics.
  • 4
    Is this the peyote campfire?
  • 0
    @Root I didn’t intend it to be.
    I was merely commenting on the falsely appearing repeat hell that people decide to create because they couldn’t appreciate pretty nice people like I used to be wanting to interact and socialize because they are high anxiety ridden evil people that are trying to turn everyone into them and so their repetitiousness being reinforced by one method or another a big part for many seems that
    But no the peyote campfire is being hosted by ranchor whatever his name is

    Or maybe that’s the crack fire
    He often acts like that’s what he
    Smokes in between proper assessments
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    @jAsE-cAsE sanity check ?
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    Life is overrated and praise of life brings us closer to hell. Every war or conflict in the history was started by someone’s death. The dream about immortality is the dark side Sith path. Only by accepting everything like it is you will follow the path of the giants, discover peace and live forever.
    Peace ✌️
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    @Root you are a lovely person you know that ?
  • 2
    @Demolishun The problem is that the Anu know this and combat raising awareness levels using e.g. the chemtrails.

    Also, low frequency electromagnetic waves block the brain, particularly the range from wall power. 60 Hz is actually even worse than 50 Hz, which is why the US tumbled from barbarism right into decadence without the usual detour called "culture."

    Then we need to account for the agenda of the lizard people, like Bill Gates, because nobody knows what happens when they accidentally vaccinate an Anu with the 5G chips in the Covid-19 shots.

    It's all really complicated, and none of that would have happened with Linux.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop when were we decadent exactly ? :P
    and trust me barbarism very frequently is to be found hidden behind the mask of 'culture' :P

    pretentiousness very frequently hides pigs wearing extra foundation and better dresses
  • 1
    Yeah I agree with that theory. Earth definitely looks like my personal hell.
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    @Fast-Nop no you know what i remember regarding 'decadence'

    i remember people building areas full of 400k houses noone could afford.

    now that was more than a bit questionable.

    hell most people couldn't afford a house period. before the crash.
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