
Anyone can become a designer, some just face a longer journey than others.
Like people who set a monospace font and then specify section margins that aren't an integer number of characters.

  • 0
    It is only a problem, when lines in different columns get out of sync.

    But who uses monospace in column and grid layouts anyways...
  • 0
    @Oktokolo In a monospace font the columns must align across rows and nearby containers too. Or at least I feel _very_ uncomfortable when they aren't.
  • 0
    That only is a problem for grid layoutswhen using monospace for entire sites - do you do that?
  • 1
    @Oktokolo No, not usually, but I sometimes use monospace for multiple containers, or structured text that includes containers.
  • 1
    Yeah, then they probably should smoothly align to not steal eye focus from the content.
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