Finally program running perfectly 👍
But wait.... Lets add another feature...
New feature needs updated matplotlib...
Update matplotlib😒
Lost support with numpy😫🤔
Updated numpy 😫
Run program again...
Core dumped (segmentation fault)😶😶
Time to leave this planet

  • 1
    wait ... you can get a core dumped (segmentation fault) in python?

    Or is that in the cpp libraries required for numpy (which should be installed by pip and as such should not give a cpp error anyway)? Either way sounds super weird =S
  • 2
    @BingBangTheory maybe on of the library is built upon c++....dont know man
  • 3
    Some of numpy is in c or c++ for efficiency.

    Issues like this are why I use Anaconda.
  • 1
    @starless @Rshman1903 I already mentioned in my original comment that I know that numpy uses cpp (C++), what I was asking about is how could he get a seg fault from running a python program, eventhough the underlying uses cpp, unless it was just passing along the error which I don't think it would do ...
  • 1
    @starless i am using anaconda... But can i revert back to the environment that i was using before?
  • 3
    @Rshman1903 I'm not sure. I imagine you could do a full rollback, but maybe not a piece wise fix. I can only speak to individual package installation issues in Linux boxes, fwiw.
  • 2
    @starless well, i started redoing everything anyways
  • 1
    I first thought you were talking about npm.
  • 3
    This is when git saves lots of time if you want to go back, or you can just keep a release branch where everything is working and one where you implement new features that will be merged when ready
  • 0
    @m93mark totally dude... I wish I'd thought of it before
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