uhh im pretty sure everyone here has seen my html and css skills. ill be back until i don't make trash out of thin air. and yes. ill be learning react :) and maybe cutting off js soon. for typescript its for my own good!

  • 1
    Come back when you learn that you can do this:

    Const extractSafely<T> = (a: T, b: keyof T)

    Dammit, I just taught you that!

    Jokes aside, the syntax may be incorrect but as you can see, typescript can do some pretty cool things!
  • 1

    Correct! you are right its better than js in every way!
    microsoft just looked at their own code and said "this code sucks" and thats how typescript is born! ill only use js if im making an api for an app or something like that. or website stuff. what do you use typescript for?
  • 0
    @Phazor001 anything, really! Every time I make a website I just default to it in case the website will scale
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