
Ctrl-Z Ctrl-Z

  • 17
    I'm looking forward to the day when Ctrl+Z = undo
    Ctrl+Shift+Z = redo

    Ctrl+Y for redo is so unintuitive :/
  • 12
    @devoutpost ctrl+y is redo? That's bad, in german z and y are switched! Aargh
    *switching keyboard to qwerty for coding*
  • 1
    @sirjofri yeah Ctrl+Y is redo for a lot of things like web forms, Google Docs applications, and really all Ofiice-style applications except Photoshop. :(
  • 1
    @devoutpost ctrl+d in indesign: place some stuff; ctrl+d in illustrator: something very different; ctrl+d in photoshop: do ... Nothing? O Adobe, what's with that?

    I'm switching layouts depending on the programming language btw. In html/php/css I'm using the german layout (I don't know why), in LaTeX qwerty is my friend. But sometimes I use qwerty for every code I type...

    Aah, and vim user btw
  • 1
    @dayo remember this for today
  • 1
  • 1
    cmd option p r
  • 1
    Needed some time to understand this because for me as a command line guy Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+S ist something entirely different ^^
  • 0
    Ctrl + S
    Console.log("have a nice day");
    Alt + F4
  • 0
    while message equals "Hey, can we talk?"
    happy end
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