
Fuck javascript, pice of shit can't be learned without reading 50 shades of books and even SO solution don't work.
why for fuck sake there is no easy way to create module in another pice of shit vue js

And fuck devRant for not being able to paste images directly. I'm done! bullet in the head!

trial 1: is not a function
trial 2: is not a function
trial 3: is not a function
trial 4: is not a function
trial 5: is not a function
trial 6: is not a function
is not a function
is not a function
is not a function
is not a function

  • 2
    Sounds like you need a vacation.
  • 4
    One does not simply learn Javascript, one bashes their skull against a wall for every keystroke made and eventually, despite having half your brain hanging from your skull, you tend to remember what not to do and start getting it right.
  • 0
    Kinda having this problem with JS frameworks
  • 0
    I've been going through hell to get a TS monorepo going, to cover front and back using containers for a group of applications. The entire JS environment makes me miserable.
  • 1
    @Ubbe yeah and the vast amounts of fucking frontend JS frameworks is rediculous and everyone has heavy opinions on each one so it doesn’t get any work done when someone asks for advice on X framework cause someone else just mentions Y framework
  • 0
    @C0D4 The bible speech is my savior! :D
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