
Learning React for my university project! Watching tutorials makes me feel I'm good at coding but when I start practicing my own I can't even write a single line 🥺

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    Single line you say?

    npx create-react-app helloMf

    There you go.
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    Did you start from create-react-app?
    I already knew vanilla JS and the DOM api and I used them extensively, so I found it much better to just install react, react-dom and Babel for jsx and fuck around on a basic page. It gave me a better understanding of what React actually does.
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    Typescript is a good first addition, it also saves you a Babel config, but mainly because it's simply easier to write for newbies than randomly guessing at JS APIs or scavenging the documentation.
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    I just got the Github Copilot preview approved.
    That AI can now write lines of code :D
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    copy and change, copy and change until it become second nature and you can just come up with own new code.

    When copying make sure you understand each part.
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    You have to first understand the fundamentals, the concepts, the philosophy behind the technology before you can feel confident to write your own code, I find.

    I know that ReactJS was modeled as a semi-MVC and is focused on components and data flow. With that knowledge, I know that if I want to create a simple component that does things, I have to give it certain behaviors and properties and isolate those.
    I know that I will have to look at how I will render my component and I know that everything will be linked together, even if separated (for maintenance and security concerns). I know a piece of the code is for rendering, another is for OO, etc.

    My professor once said: "Once you understand the story of programming, it will all make sense at once. It's like a little story that is told..".
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    @danielstaleiny That last sentence is important. You can get very far by just copying code, changing it and seeing what works, but that's how you get cargo cult programmers.
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    @CaptainRant I really don't understand how React works, all I know is the public API. I don't even know what's the exact algorythm to identify a component besides "when in doubt, use a key", and I don't know when state updates are executed besides "almost certainly in the same task, probably in the same microtask".
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    @lbfalvy Okay, well then I suggest to dive in deeper and take a look at the fundamentals.
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    When I was first learning react wtf I was learning class based and now they say the correct way is to use functional components? Different syntaxes confusing at first. Unlike Angular all class based and no JSX
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