
When you tell your friend to ++ all your rants just so u can unlock more customizations for your avatar 😂😂

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    When you post about ++ harvesting and the rant gets --'s :p
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    Don't make me - - 😂😂😅
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    @GuidoFK haha 😂 I'm no need to I'm happy with what iv got 😜
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    @phiter I'm not a bot, I'm his friend and i can choose what to ++ 😏
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    Asking your friends to ++ your stuff is completely within the rules.
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    The only thing we explicitly don't allow is making fake/multiple accounts to upvote your own stuff, but there's nothing wrong with asking friends to vote on your rants.
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    @dfox shit, I'll have an extra 900 points by midnight then lol
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    @dfox yeah, I'm a real human so it'sfine
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    @ScribeOfGoD go for it, if you know people who actually want to do that :)

    In reality I'm not even sure what the rule would be. "No voting on the content your friends make"? It would be too difficult to enforce and I'm not even sure we'd want to.
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    Cough @letmecode cough @Kimmax cough
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    @phiter yeah I mean I see what you're saying, and I think that makes sense for them.

    Pretty much all the stuff we do is single rant based so you would have to vote multiple times on the same rant with different accounts for each.

    We also have some measures in place for abuse and can easily blank out anyone's points who does blatantly abuse it.

    But sometimes people just like a specific person's rants and they go through and read them all and upvote them. I don't think we really want to stop that.
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    @dfox can I ask what your 'blatant abuse' entails?
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    @Player2 mainly using multiple accounts to upvote your own stuff.
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    @phiter you comment woke me up from my perfect dream ("programming for a whole day with out encouraging any bugs 🐛") it's 01:17 in Spain 🇪🇸
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    @phiter what with I have a botnet? I guess I could just create some AWS instances, use some vpns, get some throwaway emails..... But yea not worth it...
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    @allanx2000 for what? To Get some virtual ++? Def not worth it lol
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