  • 6
    It's underwhelming if you don't just write Javascript or Python 😑
  • 3
    @C0D4 I am mainly a PHP developer, so I have my expectations in check.
  • 3
    Works the charm for both JS and Go
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded planning to learn next.js next week. Then coploit can shine there
  • 4
    @marcus5914 Not sure how this could shine..
    Yes I got into the preview too.

    But basic stuff like quicksortarray are working fine, when you want to find the air pressure based on a geo-location, it makes random stuff that does not makes sense.

    Still a lot of fun to play with :)
  • 3
    @ScriptCoded glad to see a positive response.
  • 2
    finally we can hire english majors as programmers
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