As much as I hate sport and love sitting at home at my pc
I'm gonna try to run a bit every day

I mean, it's told to be good for you

(so far, I started running around the "block" 2 times, I don't think it counts as much, but hey, gotta start somewhere)

  • 5
    Well, what really matters is that you're getting real physical body movement when you are working at a desk. Also, take some visual breaks (as in avert your eyes) from your screen. Go look at some people, talk to the pretty collegue at the coffee machine!

    Sporting has been scientifically proven to be a positive effect on your body, regardless of your current fitness condition. Also, and this is rhe most important one: don't let yourself get talked down upon. You do great!
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    I love going running, but I've fucked my heels up in some way and they've been in pain since Xmas, which is frustrating cos I'd recently hit running 5 miles consecutively... I miss it...
  • 2
    Running, weightlifting, martial arts... Hell , even Cross fit ;)... Anything that gets you out of the dev chair and moves some blood around is good. Keep it up mate!
  • 3
    @nmunro damn 5 miles that's a lot more in kilometers, I've only managed to do 4-5 kilometers but I mostly tried beating my record not really setting bigger marathon type goals.

    I've kinda stopped running lately I think it's time to get back into again!
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    Started the same way... Walked a bit then slowly built up and now run 5km every lunch break, rain hail or shine.... it's the only thing that stops me from telling people in my office to fuck off.
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    @f03n1x 5km is 3 miles, i hit 8.5km which is just a little over 5 miles, if I could achieve it anyone can, I never enjoyed sports (not even watching) and I didn't start running properly until my mid 20s by which point I'd certainly needed the exercise. Now I'm hobbling around I have all this energy going nowhere and I'm putting all the weight it burned off, back on again, slowly :(
  • 4
    Advice from an old(ish) broken backed, fucked knees, smoker ... weightlifting over running. It's quicker... 15 minutes lifting heavy weights will beat 2 hours jogging for heart rate, fat loss, general health.
    If you're a dev, it's your back and arse that need attention... Your arse is squashed flat all day (and night), your back is some hunched over, quasimodo type shit.
    2 exercises, squats and deadlifts. That's it. Start small, build up. Find a 5x5 app and follow that (ignoring all the other exercises).
    As the owner of a snapped and repaired (titanium filled) back and life long 'huncher', I swear this is true.
    Don't get me wrong, it'll fuck ya to start with, but as long as you're sensible with weights and downtime it will help muchly.
    15-30 mins twice a week, that's it.
    Quick, (not easy, but that's the point), and cheap enough. Start gym, but as soon as you can afford it (if you have room) buy your own gear. Sits in the garage and always available.
    Trust me I'm (not) a Doctor
  • 5
    Wouldnt that mean wherever you go for your exercise would be your "runtime environment"...? *Ba-dum...TSH!*
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    Well I'm in my mid 20s closing on my 30s I walk 2kms to work in the morning another 2kms in the evening, I'd wanna do boxing since I have a bag and gloves and such just not the space anywhere in the new but extremely small house we moved into, I have weights but I enjoy jogging, I did jog everyday for about a months straight 3-4 times per week 2 months before, one reason I don't jog too much though is the area, there isn't much of a great route like my old area, anyways I could try lifting weights and boxing and jogging would help, just the commute is killing my time, and the only time I have is for my VR game development and sleep, I'll try fit in some jogging and lifting into the mix though.

    Scheduling time woo
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    @f03n1x don't get me wrong, a bit of cardio us good, my dog gets at 35 min walk every day. It's just counteracting that forward lean that we all do
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    Well, I'm not too much of a social guy, I'm staying at my pc
    But I'll try getting some movement on
    I'm trying to sit straight all the time, although it's hard sometimes, I can manage
    I'm thinking of getting a stand up desk, but I'm not too sure if I'd need that

    About other exercises then running and pullups, I might do some, but for now I'll stay with what I started, it's noted though, I'll do something about it

    It's cool how everybody here on devRant seems to be nice ;D
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    @aile11 my way isn't necessarily the right way, it works great for me. Tldr is, do sonething
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    @nmunro are you heel running? As in when running what hits the ground first each step. If the answer is your heel, that is why it is hurt. It should be toes first and last.
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    @biscuit hm what? Did someone say cross dressing? 👗
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    @biscuit advice verified! It helps to addresd my current hindrances at my work.
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    @Silvus I don't think so, but I'll speak to the physiotherapist next month.
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    I'm doing cross fit twice a week. It's awesome. Has everything packed into a 60min workout + a trainer that won't let you quit
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    @Silvus Achilles tendonitis, caused by a malformed foot arch and insignificant support when running.
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    @nmunro oof, I hope they can help you out.
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    @Silvus three to four months of physiotherapy and have to probably do the exercises for life, but that's ok. Have to be signed off by a doctor before I try running again.
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    Sport is really necessary thing in our life! Personally I prefer running!
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    Sedentary work is unhealthy. I also want to go in for sports, but not jogging.
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    @MikeWGertz I agree. All muscles of the body can and are involved during running. But I want to have a beautiful body. I chose weightlifting for myself.
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    @JakeJWalt Seriously? Share a program. I dream of doing this sport.
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    @MikeWGertz At first I tried to study on my own. But no results were visible. After my friend showed me weightlifting programs on torokhtiy.com https://torokhtiy.com/ I realized what my problem was. First of all, I didn't eat like that. Secondly, the load was not on the right muscle group. Now everything went according to plan and I am happy with my result.
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    @JakeJWalt Cool. Thank you very much for the info.
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    Deciding to step out of the comfort zone and start running is a big move! I recently read about how Bill Line supports youth sports in Ukraine, and it's amazing to see how these initiatives are shaping the future of young athletes https://delo.ua/news-companies/... It made me realize the impact sports can have on personal growth and community building. Has anyone else been inspired by such initiatives to take up a new sport or activity? Would love to hear your stories and any tips for a newbie runner like myself!
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