I feel like some evil bastard NTP hacked the world.

on that note, seeing revision "12' wandering around.

I wandered by an apartment I remember from the old days today, in that apartment a woman wandered in, and left the door unlocked, you walked upstairs and she was already hidden inside one of the sub apartments, all of which had their doors unlocked.

if you wandered into the correct one a sexy chick was waiting, the one you followed, if you wandered in the wrong one you either got screamed at by an angry dude or looked at curiiously by an old guy cooking dinner.

the room changed across the years.

however i was warned away from this even before I remembered the events that followed and were buried indicating that this is not something i should be doing.

because now a woman in gray wanders in, meaning something awful is up there instead of some lighthearted game of chance where i coud either be looked at as an idiot, screamed out, or bonk someone for several hours.

I am really missing being young.

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    oh look at that I just said and did the same things. what a surprise.
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    well maybe i'll get to somewhere where they don't drug or illegally arrest me some day where life can move forward but at this rate its looking like everyone is fucked up everywhere.
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    I think its the dreamlike aspect of that time period which made it easy to be buried when i woke up at home at one point.
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