I don't know why but my brain has got frozen and can't learning more... i feel i'm pointless and boredom...

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    Lack of sleep. Too much to do. Too little time. Too little interaction with other people.

    Any of the above? I've been there. No, I am not trying to sell you something. Hahaha.

    I find myself to do more easily and, you know, happily, what I have to do with others. It's more fun when it's fun and more frustrating when it's frustrating. But that's life for you. Interaction and learning through experience.

    What you need is new experience. Not necessarily new things. That web technique you heard so much about but haven't used because in work you just follow orders? That game you always knew how it should be but the end result was a total fail?
    Well, start and make your own.

    Build something and learn through it why the world is wrong about this and that framework or just find yourself why you were arguing about it.

    Just experiment. There's no lost time here. You can spend all you have to learn something new and build something that will be your own.
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    Try getting good night of sleep
    And exercise
    And every thing will be alright
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