THERE IS A FUCKING DIFFERENCE BETWEEN "React.component" and "React.Component"! Took me fucking 2 hours to figure this fucking thing out. Until then I was certain that this was some dependency issue. Oh the rage right now!! 🔫🔪💣💣😡

  • 1
    What the fuck, seriously?
  • 3
    @PoweredByCoffee sadly, yes.
  • 2
    @Letmecode not saying 'fuck why does it even matter' but more like 'I fucking lost so much time because WebStorm decided to put the wrong object on tab press'.
  • 3
    @varundey @Letmecode and also I went full retard because of course I couldn't find the bug even after reading up the whole code 50th time
  • 4
    TypeScript would have saved you there! Try it, the more users it has the better it becomes.
  • 2
    @solocoder can't use a third party library in the company's code right away. Will try using it in some of my personal project. Thanks for the info though 👍
  • 1
    why people ever made case sensitiveness? I mean when you have ClassSomething you never make classSomething unless of course you're running nuts.

    I could be much better if one couldn't do that and cause harm like this.
  • 0
    👏👏👏 Well rant done! Take my ++
  • 2
    I like case-sensitive but what idiot defines upper and lower case versions
  • 0
    es6 please
  • 3
    Fuck React, fuck Angular, fuck Handlebars, fuck Knockout, fuck Backbone! Fuck all of them! These frameworks are nothing more than a good concept that haven't been fully developed, full of short-sights, gallows everywhere for you to hang yourself and team upon! Why must we continue this madness? Just because some big tech company has a shiny new library doesn't mean it's any good or even worth looking at.
  • 0
    @blackmarket ahem. I don't think you have noticed the new way of writing UI which was started by Elm and then React+Redux followed. You should really check them out before making blanket statements.
  • 0
    @rayanon I am well aware of Elm and just about every other gaddamn hipster attempt at a front-end framework. You pick Elm or anything else you like and build something that isn't a fucking toy. Then I want you to come back and with a straight face tell me, "This is not madness". Only then will I concede on this matter.
  • 0
    @rayanon To be clear, I am not saying these frameworks don't have a place. There is time when I might reach for several of the formentioned frameworks. I'm just sick of everyone jumping on the train because it's popular. That's a terrible way to make decisions. To clarify further, I think react and many of its counterparts are of poor design and implementation.
  • 0
    @blackmarket you mention one should not jump train because something is popular, by the exact same principle one also should not dismiss before trying it out.

    I have been part of this fad JS community since 2011 (and unfortunately still is, albeit more distant now). I have coded in vanilla JS, only jquery, Backbone, Meteor etc. I hate the JS language and I hate the JS ecosystem (sorry folks who are a fan of it). But I have been using React+Redux in our production projects since mid 2016. It has reduced development time by atleast 50%. We see significantly less bugs since then. It has a much simpler mental model, doesn't matter how complex your UI becomes. The Redux or the Elm architecture[1] is THE way to code UI. Oh and let me clarify the architecture they propose is NOT new, it is a well known pattern. Only the hipster JS ecosystem is finding about it now and going gaga over it. So to me it seems you haven't really tried it out.

    [1] https://guide.elm-lang.org/architec...
  • 0
    Why not ES6 in the first place ? 😅
  • 0
    @strider as i mentioned in the previous comment, WebStorm decided to put the wrong object and I couldn't notice the difference for a long long time. We are already using es6
  • 0
    Ah okay, sorry didnt see the comment
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