
Yup! Just smash that thing ๐Ÿ˜‘

**Just saw it on Facebook, don't Know if it was posted already

  • 0
    Ohhh jeah ( อก° อœส– อก°) thats annoying
  • 0
    Good rant. Fuck this error reporting...
  • 0
    Actually had sometimes that problemas on Android studio ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  • 1
    @LMestre14 your not alone on this one ๐Ÿ˜ช
  • 1
    I hate facebook reposts as mush as 9gag reposts and reddit reposts.
  • 0
    If that happens, throw the tool(s) you are using out of the window.
  • 1
    Happens in Chrome dev tools all the time (when searching for an javascript error) ...
  • 1
    Happend with me today in android studio it was telling there is a error in Java code but actually there was a error in html. Fuck you android studio.
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