
Curious, do the Recent and Top feeds show all posted rants, or is it different for each person as well?

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    If in the stories section its only the rants which are 70 words and above that you see, otherwise in the rant section, for recent u get all the latest ones and top for all the top rated ones.
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    Top and recent include pretty much no personalization and everyone pretty much sees the same things.
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    @sam9669 but does recent show every post, same for everyone? Or even then, different people will see different ones (similar to AB testing).

    Also why for top, seems to be in random order?
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    @dfox haha seems we were both responding at the same time.

    What do you mean by pretty much? You kind of do some AB testing?
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    We do some testing from time to time and have some things in place in regard to voting.

    Top does not order by straight score. We add weight to rants that don't have images in order to even things out since rants with images get much more real estate on the rant feed.
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    I have seen recent like within 30 seconds recent rants and many of them get deleted even before I complete my comment, always keep refreshing while in the rant window, u will see the latest ones.
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    @dfox oh so image based rants get to the top before the "word" rant ?
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    @sam9669 the only way a rant would get deleted while you're commenting is if the author deletes it.

    As for top, all the rants are mixed together but text-only rants get boosted, but any image rants can still be ranked higher.
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    @sam9669 I was just asking as I sometimes run out of new rants, not sure if I actually saw them all.

    Given we can only post 1 rant/hr, I was thinking the volume was now like Twitter, impossible to see everything even in the Recent feed.
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