Guys it's not cool to re-post stuff from Reddit to devrant.

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    It's not a repost if you've never seen it before.
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    @drRoss but I've seen thus complaint before...
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    Yes it is m8, yes it is
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    If the same stupid meme is posted again not even 12 hours after the first one then yes, it's a repost, doesn't matter if it's from reddit or here
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    @drRoss When it was posted already it is a repost....just because you don't see someone when you close your eyes doesnt mean that they are not there ;)
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    Well I think a cross platform repost on devRant once is fine .... and because of the "repost....repost" on every dank meme rant's comments people are getting aware that in the crowd of 30,000 plus people, someone will eventually say it is a repost, so new and unique ones are coming everyday, so word rants have more "weight" than picture ones anyways.
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    Well, I'm not a redditor so I'm good I guess
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    I also, do not use reddit. So, its fine by me also.
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    I like how it turn to a discussion about "repost/re-post"

    I think this guy was trying to say,

    "Be original with your idea to earn your ++!! using someone else work to earn your ++ is not cool!"
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    @gratefulDev you always use 100% original code to get a job done?
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    @biscuit no, and I don't see the connection.
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    They're reusing something (from reddit) to get the job done (get ++) @gratefulDev
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    @biscuit nice connection 👌👌
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    Somewhere on redit someone is writing a post about how reposting things from 4chan isn't cool hahah!
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    @blackmarket and the blame game continues
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    @drRoss Shit... When you put it like that... Schrödinger's repost...
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    My 2 cents(although I'm from UK) I like to come to devRant for mostly stress release.. I like to have witty laugh with like minded people... When a Smart guy starts playing the repost card the rant does not seem like fun any more... I don't think there one should start yelling repost every single time there is a repost from across platforms... It's not some PhD thesis we are publishing here that needs go through plagiarism checks...
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    @codeBug woaah man..! You got some serious stress in your work. Try to get 300++ ASAP and have devrant stress release ball.
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