(TL;DR at bottom)
Does anyone else feel that modern GUI's or webpages or anything thats 2-D and modernized, just seem to contain 10x less data that old interfaces.
Disclaimer: First time uploading picture, idk how it will go)
Let's say Google's Inbox, compared to the old Gmail interface... (In attached picture)

I am the only one annoyed by this?

I really like the look and everything and I love modern designs, but please please, keep the functionality there. I just feel like there is 10x less options to do when I see a system converted to a new modernized design. Even YouTube look ugly now, that I am convinced there are about 10 buttons less under each video.
(New <-> Old in attached picture)

Thinking objectively, all of the buttons are still there, but from other experiences, I just always get discouraged when I see a product with a minimalistic design, and am immediately turned away from it, expecting that I wont have any sort of ability to customize my settings.

If you say that fancier GUI's take too much work to make all he settings, the fucking don't make a modern GUI... I want something I can tailor to my needs... There is always a good line in between, just like "old" youtube's design...

Maybe thats why I hated LastPass with it's fancy GUI's and instead preferred KeePass for my passwords...

As promised:

Anyone else hate modern GUI's since they usually lack features?

  • 3
    I completely agree. Personally I like when I can go to a single settings page and see every single possible setting that I could ever want to change.

    With modern, minimalistic designs, the setting I want might be there, but I have to figure out which of the sub-menus it's under. And occasionally, those same options will move between sub-menus with updates and you have to go find it again.
  • 2
    I guess it haves to do a lot with UX, you give too many options to the user and it looks too crowded, especially with current gen where we tend to have a really small attention span.
  • 1
    Jup that's true the sad thing is that the biggest part of the user base will get confused with such settings pages and its easier to navigate users through sub menus than letting them find setting on a big settings page.
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