This is why you don't use floats when dealing with money.

  • 4
    You shouldn't meth around with floats.
  • 6
    I'm honestly shocked as to how many devs I've seen who don't know about this.
  • 0
    What do you mean? Are you telling me people in charge of loans are NOT drooling at the prospect of making even more money through the shady means that is float approximation?

    Then again, it's so minimal even they wouldn't bother.
  • 0
    This is exactly why we have inflation.
  • 0
    @petergriffin how is this related to saldo?
  • 1
    double it is then
  • 0
    Would like to comment on an exception.
    It's fine as long as you don't do any calculations just store, retrieve and pass along.
  • 0
    @LotsOfCaffeine used to feel the same now I'm not anymore. Seen to many devs that worked only with dynamic typed scripting languages. No foundation on memory usage at all let alone anything about two's compliment our floating point arithmetic.
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