How to become a good programmer?

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    and programming more.

    order irrelevant.
  • 12
    Eat one raw usb stick (4 gb is enough) with full of source code per day.
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    You don’t
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    Stay off devrant. Wait... good or productive?
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    Find the biggest baddest dev and suck his dick.

    If you let him blow in your mouth you steal all his powers.
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    make as much mistakes as possible
    * in localhost
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    and use neovim-qt
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    go back to 2000-2010, learn basics, get a job in nice place with kind people and great codebase so you can learn from the best. When you think you got some experience go work in a project from scratch and learn how many architecture assumptions people can make when there are no requirements and no plan or schedule. When you get tired go to corporate and work in big team 25+ with frequently changing codebase. Practice, practice, practice, write lots of code and try to learn from the best ( or books written before year 2000).
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    @sariel You made me laugh, but I don't feel safe upvoting. You might get excited.
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    Get google at googling things.
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    Install node js
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    First of all, follow the advices of the previous posters.

    But seriously, it’s always the same answer for everything:
    You become good by loving what you do and doing it regularly. Practicing, trying out new things, being curious.

    This might not be a concrete advice and not what you had in mind, but it is how it works. And it takes a while.
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