
The cult of knowledge, science and technocracy in the Soviet Union was so strong that even nowadays we use the word "likbez", abbreviation of "liquidacia bezgramotnosti", literally "eradication of undereducation".

When you outline a theory in accessible and approachable fashion to someone who doesn't know it, that's likbez.

  • 4
    That was one method to eradicate undereducation. The other was removing overeducation by killing educated people. That wasn't unique to the early USSR, that's a common communist trope. Achieving equality by making everyone miserable is just so much easier than by improving the life of the miserables.
  • 1
    I barely can remember when I have last seen this word. But I have to apply the same concept on few my students 🙄
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Why don’t they just kill off the miserable, useless masses?

    Right, because the educated are much more difficult to control.
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