
Why are there a million websites that scrap and republish stack overflow content? SEO induced page hits for fraudulent publicity?
Whatever the reason I hate them so much.

  • 3
    Use DDG and thank the
    !stackoverflow bang
  • 8
    As I started using DuckDuckGo, I felt more productive. No fucking coderoad dot ru with poorly translated copypasta anymore.
  • 2
    less popular search engine might be better here as nobody tries SEO for DuckDuckGo.
  • 2
    I guess it is about showing ads. StackOverflow content brings page views and the impression-based ad business still exists.

    So as always: Your web experience is worse than it could be because of ads - even while you don't actually see them because of having uBlock Origin installed.
  • 1
    probably for the same reason why 10 years ago i had a contract for a bot that would regularly scrape a list of blogs, take their new articles, change the wording and paragraph order a bit, and then republish them on the client's wordpress site...
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