
Installing Arch for the first time... Wish me luck.

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    I suggest you to follow gogudatech55 tutorials, he has explained every command.
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    If i managed to do it everyone can 😂
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    Try antergos. It's based on Arch.
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    Try following gloriouseggroll on YouTube, if you miss any step. I did it the first times, he's good.
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    Good luck. Took me two days to finally get things up and running, mainly due to shit net though.
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    @imdnxt I installed Antergos yesterday (I used Debian before) and I'm curious to try Arch.. So far so good! :)
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    I remember it looked so difficult and complicated when I first tried to install it (It took me more than 5 tries aswel). But now that i understand arch i know its just a few basic commands. Have fun exploring !
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    I'm curious about your choice of DE or just pure CLI?
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    @whitekoffee I personally prefer GNOME over KDE because (w/o configuration) I like how it looks / behaves "out of the box", Xfce is kinda outdated, Mate and Cinnemon is basically Schrödinger's GNOME: it is but it isn't (Mate is based on GNOME 2 / Cinnemon on GNOME 3), Lxde is nice on older machines because it's pretty lightweight
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    @CorruptComputer @Jilano thanks! loving this place
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    You don't need luck, just follow along with the wiki. It's great and one of the best documentations I've seen.
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    In case things don't work out. Try: Architect, Antergos, Manjaro, Arch-Anywhere.
    All Arch-based derivatives.
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    @darkness Just don't ever mention the Arch variants on the Arch Forum because the purist there will refuse to give any support. Nice documentation, awesome community and just a little pinch of assholes.
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    @whitekoffee Lel. Totally agreed!
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    @whitekoffee I use manjaro and I know exactly what you are talking about 😃
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    @Jilano thnx. Getting external audio to work has been a pain though.
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