
Is there a program that can help me read books and get like the main idea... It seems my reading list grows stronger faster than I can read... No matter what... Even using Blinkist... Even on that i have 300 books.... :(

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    On reddit there is a bot that can summarize articles. Maybe you can find something you can use standalone
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    Until now humans can interact with computers using their thoughts. When the opposite will happen then you'll be able to learn through sleep or something like that. Until then the book is waiting :)
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    @m93mark do you have a link?
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    @billgates the name of the bot is autotldr. It seems it is based on smmry.com which has API that can be used.
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    @Jase well I need to learn Spring framework, I have 5 reference books on that...
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    @Jase where the refresher supposed to be?
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    @lavandysh for paranthesis i equals zero.
    i is less than 10.
    i plus plus paranthesis curly brace print-fft paranthesis Hello world backslash n paranthesis.
    curly brace
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    @lavandysh I can't skim an audiobook tough so take the same amount of time... Also imagine them reading the code snippets...
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    @matanl just saw this after I commented... You forgot the quotes so that's a Compile error.
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    @billgates I did not, some other voice said Hello world backslash n
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