
I tried Kotlin for a week. And I literally gave up. Hey, fellow Kotlin devs, what fun do you get in writing this short f**king syntactically unmatched java code!

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    I just started too but I’m really liking it.
    I come from c# land though not Java
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    Null safety for starters.
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    Kotlin is awesome! It fixes almost everything that‘s wrong with Java. It could be even better (like having value types) but it’s limited by Java‘s JVM.
    My favorite part about Kotlin is the initialization syntax and capabilities. No other languages does it that well. Not even Swift. And there is so much more. How can you not fall in love with that?
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    @Lensflare I thought that value types were what the ‘data’ type was for.
    I could be wrong though because I’m new to it.
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    @TrevorTheRat nope. Data classes are just classes which are meant to hold data. They have reference semantics but you get synthesized methods like copy() to be able to use them somewhat similarly to value types, but not really :)

    As far as I know, the JVM is not capable of having true custom value types.
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