
I deem myself well versed in this subject

  • 5
    I thought that stands for 'People Order Our Patties' 🤔
  • 3
    @kaqqao why don't you like oop?
  • 0
    @kaqqao I read the article and I agree to him partially. FP and oo solve two different problems with different approaches. Neither one philosophy can sol e all our problems. I would still use oo where it is useful, with knowing the pitfalls, I would use it more correctly. At last developer does not mean to write just lines of code but more like solving the problem. And for that I will use all the tools in my bag. One should know when to use which tool. I can't discard my old hammer for new shiny screwdriver.
  • 0
    You have a deep understanding in poop? 💩
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