Dear Axis of evil(Java+Android SDK) ,

Go fuck yourselves.

A Windows developer

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    Been stuck trying to get a simple Cordova app running for an hour... Probably installed 200 different installs as dictated by Stack Overflow answers... Also, half a bottle of wine gone!
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    Wine. That's your problem right there 😀
    Anyways, love the axis of evil ++
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    @ever3stmomo Why not a native app?
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    As @apex said, switch to native, life will become easier.
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    I had to admit defeat and went native, if I can say something is that everything is a lot easier, not what I'm used to, but easier
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    Dear axis of spy software,
    Please make you fucking environment (Windows) Open Source so I can build it myself

    Yours sincerely,
    Open Source Developer
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    @wesaka Aldo, a friend of mine has recommended to switch Android device to Kotlin (Jebrain's java-based language)
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    @apex kotlin's good, but at a nascent stage. Proceed with caution. You can use a mix of java and kotlin though.
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    @apex Heard of it before, will take a look!
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