A client sent me a message this morning asking for a change to the software I'm developing.

It's Sunday, right?

  • 3
    Just don't answer? It probably can wait till tomorrow?
  • 0
    Well, it's not so easy with this client :'(
  • 8
    It's simple. You don't see the message. It's Sunday. You don't want to do it. He'll ask again another Sunday if you do.
  • 3
    Like everyone said, man, it's Sunday, every now and then comes a client sending messages about these things for me, and I simply don't see them, in fact, I really don't see them, having a separate number for work is mandatory for me.
  • 3
    "You will receive time and cost estimate by tomorrow noon"
  • 0
    Condition them to not contact you on weekends.
    You have a life outside of their whims.
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