Ubuntu new release changelogs be like:

- New number
- New funky animal

  • 5
    I've been using it since 14.04 and haven't noticed any exceptional change since then. I think they just update the kernel :D
  • 3
    Yep. Arch-linux master race.
  • 0
    @orkhanfarmanli They also include packages of the newest versions of applications.
  • 0
    Yeah, almost forgot :D
  • 4
    @Paramite Not really. Doing the commands you mentioned only syncs the packages with the latest patch of the major release.

    For example, Let's say you have installed program A version 1.6. 1.6.1 comes out, which is a small patch to 1.6. But 1.7 comes out and is a bigger feature update.

    In the name of stability, you would only get 1.6.1 until A. You build it from source B. You get it from a PPA or C. You upgrade Ubuntu versions, which updates the package lists to include the package for version 1.7.
  • 1
    Well, from 16. To 17. They changed the swap partition to a swap file.. that shit did not work for me.. my laptop freezes.

    I went back to 16.04 and using budgie instead of unity.

    But yeah, i agree.. no noticeable major changes except for nrw packages, compatibility with stuff and pretyness.
  • 2
    Android is like: Diabeetus & increment random number
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