I finally got one of these boards, I still need to figure what to track on it, I already have a planner with me for my day to day

any suggestions?

  • 0
    Should’ve saved up $750 more and gotten an iPad IMO lol
  • 12
    A bunch of random pictures and newspaper strips connected with red string
  • 2
    A colored sticky kanban board!
  • 3
    Buy a whiteboard they said…
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    Cheat sheets.
    I had mine tapped to the back of my office door :)
  • 1
    draw a darts board on it
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    @favoretti that's awesome
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    Keep it empty as a life lesson
    Heck, you can call it "the dragon's board"
  • 1
    Update- I added a bunch of random pictures and red string to my empty board. It looks amazing and is really funny, cheap and easy to do. If you try to do it yourself dump a few papers in a bit of coffee. Also I have painted a tiny qr code so it will not direct anywhere which increases the suspense with my colleagues
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    @Nanos pretty much, yeah
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