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    For example, company I work at decided everyone was going to do agile, but still has a waterfall mindset, esp when it comes to process of developing, then goes to testing, and then goes to SQA for approval.

    Link to half-arsed agile http://halfarsedagilemanifesto.org/...
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    AGILE !!
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    The technical debt makes sprint planning a total pain In the arse
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    @daarkfall we don't have this problem here :/ usually we manage to refactor when needed.
    Why does this problem happens for you? What could you do to stop it from happening ?
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    Making EVERYTHING validated functionally sometimes doesn't make sense. Some tasks must be done for the development itself, like setting up a CI, a framework, architecturing a system, thinking about an algo...
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    @willol the problem is quite often poor implementation of things we haven't​ planned for like dB procs doing different things for different users it's so annoying
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