So I wanted to know how reading Computer Systems a Programmer's perspective would help me grow as a programmer to motivate me, I asked on StackOverflow thinking that an environment geared towards learning would help others stay motivated in their pursuit. LMFAO

and now I'm unable to post for 5 days, fuck stackoverflow and fuck those uppidy geeks,

  • 9
    I get that StackOverFlow can be overzealous, but it literally says this when you want to post a question:

    "The community is here to help you with specific coding, algorithm, or language problems.

    Avoid asking opinion-based questions."

    Idk about you but yours sounds like an opinion-based question.
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    sorry, but: if you can't read manuals for things before using them - be it a programming language, a platform like stackoverflow, or a chainsaw - you _are_ gonna suck at it.

    asking _opinions_ on stackoverflow is just off-topic. just like asking for kobe steak is off-topic in a vegan restaurant.
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    @tosensei Yeah but it's retarded. Some programming related questions just are subjective. And where else should you ask them? Quora? lmao
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    @12bitfloat disagree. stackoverflow just isn't a _discussion_ platform, but a technical Q/A-site.

    that's like using a hammer to drive in a screw, with the justification that a bowl of mouldy custard is even worse.

    however, i _do_ agree that it would be a good thing to open a more relaxed "junior stack overflow" for the less professional (not meant as judgement) questions, like homework questions where people have no idea even where to start.
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    @Tobiky Can you answer my question while you're here? I have No problem self-studying and I WANT to gain the benefits of Computer Systems : A programmer's perspective. Hell, several development paths including Game development and Graphics and A.I. recommend this book. I just want to stay motivated, what will reading this book do for me as a programmer?
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    @tosensei Honestly : I have to disagree here. Programming is a valuable skill that encapsulates a VERY large portion of Computer Science. So, the idea that opinions are "off topic" is insane, because if I were to ask somebody : "Which is faster, C or Rust?" or "Why use Rust over C?" those are valuable questions that could be the difference between a good tech stack and an awful one. Of course, which tech stack is good and which ones are bad are needs based and made to fit the competence or experience of ones team. . . . You see where I'm going with this?
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    @DarthGuappi "Which is faster, C or Rust?" is a valuable question that can be _infinitely much faster and better_ be answered by googling something like "Which is faster, C or Rust?". (TL;DR: everything that can be googled is a bad question for SO.)

    this question isn't off-topic, but shows absolutely no research effort at all, and if you can't research stuff for yourself, you will never be a good developer. also: it is too broad, since it very much matters _what you are going to do with it_. so it simply can not be answered in the scope of stackoverflow. period.

    and no, the idea that opinions are off-topic is a neccessity to guarantee _factual answers_. again: stackoverflow simply _is not a discussion forum_

    i see where you're going with this, and it is the wrong direction.
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    @tosensei . . .I'm going to leave my ego at the door, you win this round sir. But I'll be back. Guappi always bounces back, lol.
  • 2
    @tosensei Still, don't you think that the subject : "Which textbooks are best for a goal?" is a valuable one? As a neuroatypical with bad ADHD, googling is an easy way to tank about an hour and 30 minutes of my day. I prefer textbooks because they make good references, and the information is better for growing as a programmer. I only use google as an absolute last resort when something in the book doesn't make sense.

    So, if this book is dry and I'm losing motivation, seeking somebody who is experienced in the benefits in this book is a-. . . .I'll be back. XD
  • 1
    @DarthGuappi "Which textbooks are best for a goal?" is a question with no solid answer. because what may be great for you could be absolutely awful for me and vica versa. except for those books that are factually wrong etc. it's mostly a matter of taste.

    so while the question itself is okay, it's best to ask someone who knows you at least a _tiny little bit_.

    it's not a bad question in itself, it's just a bad fit for stackoverflow.

    on that note: i quite enjoyed "the mythical man-month".
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    @tosensei True, but asking "How does this textbook in particular help me become a better developer" is a pretty apt question if I do say so myself.
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    @DarthGuappi no, it's a terrible question, because it requires a time machine to see how this very particular book affects you with your very particular individuality. it's not just 100% opinion-based, but 100% speculative.
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    @tosensei Now you're just being silly. . . .Nobody in ANY discipline will recommend a book that a.) hasn't stood the test of time or b.) isn't relevant. . . .Frankly you are also making the question more complicated than it needs to be. . . .A book can be seen as dry by 9 people but still be seen as necessary by those 9. If one wants to do Systems Programming, one should read CSAPP. . .
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    @DarthGuappi "Nobody in ANY discipline will recommend a book that a.) hasn't stood the test of time or b.) isn't relevant." oh, my sweet summer child.... keep dreaming your dreams of a better world, i can't anymore, i've seen too much.
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    @tosensei Listen here ya krusty vietnam veteran experiencing one too many flashbacks. Making the assumption that somebody is looking for motivation to read decent material is a splendid assumption to make, and in the case that the book they are reading is out of date : They should be corrected.
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