Are you a dark theme or light theme kind of person?

I've noticed most devs use dark theme. I think it's interesting. I use light theme though because characters dance around on a dark theme for me.

  • 3
    Dark/Dracula ftw
  • 5
    Whenever my roommates switch on more than 1 tubelights, I'm like "dude, switch it off, I'm going blind"
  • 8
    You have to disable the font dancing feature, I had that issue.
  • 3
    Matter of taste really... but yeah, we light-theme guys are a minority !
  • 3
    There are themes..?
  • 1
    I feel like it's cool to have a dark terminal so that it feels like you're a hacker in a movie in the early 90s- but sometimes I think people go a little too far. I have a co worker with a dark theme chrome extension that makes everything dark. Dark theme Facebook is just weird.
  • 1
    Dark for life.
  • 3
    Once you go black, you never go back.
  • 2
    Dark, but I've been wondering why this is. I guess it looks cooler? Other than historically dark terminals, I don't see a reason why we should prefer one over the other, given normal lighting (which you'd have most of the day, and can turn on at night)
  • 0
    @luc- reading code on a white background strains my eyes more
  • 2
    Phone is Dark themed
    win10 is dark themed
    all my Linux distributions are dark themed
    chrome is dark themed
    Stack Overflow is dark themed
    Wikipedia is dark themed
    YouTube is dark themed

    It saves my eyes from dying when coding in the night :)
  • 1
    Dark Theme is good. It consumes less and have less effect on the eyes. Though, I switched based on the mood and interest but I'm more a Dark Theme fan.
  • 0
    My eyes get tired with light themes.
  • 1
    I like colorful codes not just dark themes... I use material theme in my phpstorm
  • 1
    @barthclem that's a good point. Colours do pop more. After this thread I'm considering trying a dark theme out.
  • 0
    Depends on the IDE. I use dark for Sublime/Atom etc. I use light for VS, Jetbrains, PyCharm etc.
  • 1
    1. Dark themes look nicer
    2. It's easier to see syntax highlighting
  • 1
    @dockerdan Try the dark theme coupled with Jetbrains PHPStorm or the Material Theme as a plugin, you'll change your choice
  • 1
    Today's theme is...
  • 1
    @Chainlist Nope I don't think so....i use the stylish plugin for chrome :)
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