I hate the fucking windows 10 (-_-)

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    Windows is a very terrible bloatware. That’s why I migrated to Ubuntu very early in my career. I still don’t understand how people use it to program.
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    I do not remember what weird magic I used before but I can stop the windows from updating automatically.
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    Trust the wisdom of old age: Don't waste your time with elitist preferences. Yes, you can have a favorite, mine are Linux systems as well, but at some point you will realize: money is money. If a client requires a build particularly for windows and he/she/they are paying handsomely, then fuck it and do it. Elitism and preferences <(times 10k) money.

    I am fine with doing shit on windows, ox, freebsd, Linux, your mom, whatever, as long as I get paid my high fees.
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    After upgrading my game machine to Windows 10, i googled how to disable autoupdates once and that solved it. I manually trigger updates since then.

    In general, the autoupdates aren't a bad thing. But they really should honor user preferences more like in the old days. You can't just nag every few hours about a pending restart when the user has to finisch a game.
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