Quality error message.

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    Yup, this is a duplicate App Insight in Azure. Don't get me wrong, App Insights are great, except for this little gem. When moving the duplicated app insight resource to a different location, it fails to move because of the duplicated record, but.... it does create another duplicate making it essentially digital cancer. Outside of the GUI there is another gem. Through Powershell I can query and see the duplicated resources but when deleting them.... yup 404 to the rescue!
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    @Dairattez Thanks!! If I could get it to say that it's deleted then that would be great. However it won't say that it's deleted, it gives the error shown above after about 50 percent into the delete. I've tried giving it 24 hours after the failed delete but it doesn't go away. So, I've got one thought. This insight is linked using the appType of hockeyAppBridge. The specific app in hockeyApp no longer exists. This issue happened after the apk was removed from hockeyApp and then the App Insight was attempted to be moved to a new resource group. So my thought is to put the app back into hockeyApp and see if this will delete. It's a freaking long shot and I can't really see how that would work, but I'm trying pretty much anything at this point. Thanks again for the feedback!
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    @Dairattez yup that's pretty much what I'm planning on doing tomorrow.
  • 2
    Rammstein style error
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    Update on this. Microsoft engineers are still working on the issue. I shit you not. I'm still waiting for duplicate records to be deleted. They.can't.figure.it.out. *headdesk*
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    Today... today it is finally resolved.
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