
The AI she tells me not to worry about v/s Me...

  • 1
    wait, wtf is it doing? I see "uary". Is it returning that?
  • 7
    @Demolishun excel trying to guess, it's great when it gets it so wrong.

    @cygnus, copilot is awesome at doing things badly too.

    Do some basic crud methods and then watch it break its self suggesting things.
  • 0
    Well to be fair you made a typo there, it's febRuary right? Or is this different in English?
  • 2
    Artificial Unintelligence
  • 2
    Visual Studio: "Oh, you converted 2 variables to DateTime? You sure you don't want to... convert/cast ALL VARIABLES TO DATETIME?! SUCK MY INTELLICODE AND LEMME CODE FOR YOU BRO, COME ON"
  • 1
    AI is a lot of A not too much of I
  • 0
    More like stupid humans not having a uniform nomenclature
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