
  • 27
    Laypeople after reading the first part: that's stupid, who would make it work like that?

    Programmers after reading the last bit: ah yeah, that sucks.
  • 20
    fuuuuuck, how can you screw up this elementary? also: unit test much?
  • 0
    Haven't been coding for a while now, but shouldn't it be & instead of &&?
  • 7
    Oh boy... when you hack security relevant shit together and only do positive testing...
    Someone is gonna get fired! 🔥
  • 5
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- Why would you want to use bitwise and?
  • 7
    wow, I remember making such mistakes when I was starting out with programming. Fortunately I was never let any close to a responsibility for a code responsible for some insane amounts of money then.
  • 7
    @msdsk i think the point is exactly that, it's such a newbie mistake that we shouldn't be seeing it from a fintech
  • 3
    In this episode, finding an implentation error is considered HaCkiNg
  • 7
    @darksideofyay Curious if that’s part of the problem. Engineers smart enough to not make this kind of mistake avoid fintech because it seems like unnecessary stress to work in fintech. 🧐
  • 2
    @AmyShackles I've seen too many fintechs and very little good devs
  • 3
    Supposedly it wasn’t quite as stupid as the post would have you believe (though I don’t know and don’t really care):

  • 1
    @AmyShackles and to think I really almost believed this bullshit "==" story.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm I mean, I did too. The only reason I checked into it more was that I was going to tell someone else about it and I have a personal policy of fact-checking a story before passing it on. 😅
  • 0
    @hitko @zvyn
    Logical & = Short-circuit evaluation
    Bitwise & = Non-Short-circuit evaluation

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