
when your best friend brings you to a psychiatrist, you take the pill he gave you and your friend starts to disappear

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    fright club
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    Plot twist, your friend is actually you but one of your other personalities due to multiple personality disorder.
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    Sue the psychiatrist for making your best friend disappear. Giving you grief and loneliness.
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    @catgirldev you seem to be new to devRant, because everyone here know I’m bipolar type I, I also have Asperger’s, and I know firsthand what it’s like to live with a mental disorder. More than that, I documented my episodes, nightmares and manic hallucinations in my rants.

    You’re right. Schizophrenia is undoubtedly hell, and is undoubtedly the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone. It was my worst fear. I was relieved when I got diagnosed with bipolar disorder, as it’s incompatible with schizophrenia.

    You’re sincerely welcome. This place is really nice. I hate gatekeepers myself, so I’m not gatekeeping on you, and I’m not saying that “you have to have a mental disorder yourself to tell me what to post”. I’m just clarifying that I’m not new to the topic.
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    my best friend told me that they had a forum in their head of 7 voices and they made decisions together and there was always a tie breaker. after medication they couldn't make simple decisions so they ended up asking me to pick ice cream flavors for them
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