"Sweet, I fixed story 1 and can commit! ...but issue 2 is pretty small, let me just work on that first so there's 1 pull request".

4 hours later, issue 2 not done yet, and I can't push push story 1 to QA until I finish it. I really need to stop doing that.

  • 0
    It takes a second to commit. I don't see your point.
  • 1
    @Charmgoggles: it's not so much about commits, as it is about feature branches and pull requests. Of course, you could always rebranch or cherry pick specific commits, but at that point you realize you kind of messed up.
  • 0
    Yeah, I often work on one feature, and it is really hard not to fix other things while at it
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    @Charmgoggles yep as @bittersweet said, it's about pulling the latest code, merging those changes, verifying all unit tests still pass, doing a last sanity test, pushing, opening the pull request, updating the agile board. By the time I do all that, I'm out of the "zone" I was in.
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