
Hoping the creators update offers something more than just bloating my PC

  • 1
    Don't hold your breath, it doesn't. Holding off updating as long as I can.
  • 0
    You can upgrade the Ubuntu version which is used in the Linux subsystem. 😁
  • 1
    My upgrade experience. After several automatic reboots and making sure that all my files are exactly where I left them, the creators update decided not to like my machine any more.
  • 0
    That green is blinding!
  • 2
    It depends what you're looking for. The game mode update, settings UI update, and blue light filter are handy for regular users.

    For developers, the update seems to focus on CLI and PowerShell improvements (as far as I can tell - I haven't seen everything yet).

    Check this out for an example: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/co...
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