
Nessus SSL authentication through Kali Linux is next to impossible. I generated certificates through terminal and I still get error "SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissable length" (in Iceweasel).

Tried importing certs into separate Firefox browser and now just SSL handshake errors.

  • 0
    Huh? What so you want to achieve?
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    Setting up for pen testing with VMWare. Will keep reading Nessus troubleshooting I suppose!
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    Why not buy a real certificate?
  • 0
    Didn't occur to me as the set up instructions suggested I can generate certs on my own... I surely hope my frustration leads to more understanding at the least. Thank you nonetheless.
  • 1
    Let's Encrypt
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  • 1
    Did you import the CA too?
    Browsers are very finicky with self signed certs nowadays, adding to the SSL hell.
    Let's encrypt is an option though.
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